Photo Happy Hour

How to improve the customer experience

Michael Mowbray, Carl Caylor, Dan Frievalt Season 1 Episode 15

This special episode features the audio pulled from our LIVE video podcast. Check out our Facebook group to watch the replay.

What is your customer experience like? In this special episode, the guys share tips on how to improve the overall customer experience, which they all agree is the most important factor in contributing to customer happiness and satisfaction. Along the way Carl shows the real reason why Yeti's are hard to find. Dan gets literally poop-faced. And Michael casually mentions photographing seniors in Rio.

Informative and entertaining, grab your favorite beverage and press "play".  And don't forget to subscribe!

Your Hosts:
Michael Mowbray, M. Photog., Cr., owns Beautiful Portraits by Michael in DeForest (Madison) Wisconsin and also owns MoLight. Learn more at:

Dan Frievalt, M.Photog., M. Artist, Cr., owns Frievalt Photography in DePere (Green Bay) Wisconsin and also runs Seniors Unlocked. Learn more at

Carl Caylor, M. Photog., Cr., ASP-Fellow, Kodak Alaris Mentor, owns Photo Images by Carl in Iron Mountain, Michigan and also runs Carl's Coaching Corner.  Learn more at:

MoLight offers more than 20 different MoLight -brand softboxes and modifiers.

Michael Mowbray :

Recorded live from the basement of the Alamo. It's the photo happy hour podcast. Hey, and welcome everybody. I'm your photo happy hour podcast bartender Michael Mowbray. I am just drinking a really PT scotch. A PD scotch have fun this today. I don't know what do you what do you guys got going on? I got my mohito it's summertime it's fresh mint I picked from our freshmen plant so I'm sticking with the mojitos. Here's a question about mint because we just started to grow some are you supposed to cut it off? Are you supposed to tear it off? What you know? Well, good question. I've been told what I've been told is when you first plant it, you cut it completely off and that helps it grow like crazy. Oh, ours is already growing like crazy. So we didn't have

Dan Frievalt :

It doesn't take much. Yeah. Okay. But I usually just rip it off. You know, unless I'm going camping and I need a bigger supply then I just don't

Carl Caylor :

run with them.

Michael Mowbray :

Then don't don't put them in like plastic baggies. Oh, yeah, right, right. Yeah.

Dan Frievalt :

Last year my buddy met us camping and he's like, I brought mint. And he pulls the whole mint plan he had in a pot pulls the whole mid plane out of the back of his truck.

Unknown Speaker :

Because I think this will do

Dan Frievalt :

all the kind of tedious.

Michael Mowbray :


Carl Caylor :

I like it. What are you drinking with Carl over the weekend? I'm drinking my sea salt whiskey again.

Michael Mowbray :

Oh, you got some more of that?

Carl Caylor :

Well, they they're kind of restocking for me now.

Michael Mowbray :

Oh, so you got the local places getting it in for you are?

Carl Caylor :

Oh, yes. Oh, okay. Yeah,

Michael Mowbray :

yeah, there's your mail ordering it. Actually. He's playing Because I'd have a big deal up there in the up well,

Carl Caylor :

it's funny because I had asked the liquor store, which is just over the river. So it's in Wisconsin, technically. And now it's changed ownership to some people we know that I own the concrete company that helped build my house here and everything and But anyhow, they, I asked them if they could order it, and they they did. And, of course, through the transition of ownership, they never called me so I just happen to be in there for wine or something, or and happened to see it. Yeah. Something happened to see it on the shop, like oh my gosh, there it is. So I, I grabbed two bottles and went up to the checkout. And they said, I said, you have this stuff here now and he said, Yeah, somebody ordered it. They never picked it up. Like it's because you didn't call me a moron. Well, but then it gets better. So last week, I was in the grocery store. I was walking through the liquor department. In the grocery store, because you have to, you know, on the way out it just

Michael Mowbray :

force you to Yeah,

Carl Caylor :

yeah, absolutely. And

Michael Mowbray :

they have it there no to so it starts with something.

Dan Frievalt :

This is a hot seller up, man. Everyone's buying it. We sold like

Michael Mowbray :

whiskey. So so people want to try this stuff out. It's old, old smokey. Is that what it is old smokey, old smokey sea salt and caramel whiskey. Yeah, yeah, it tastes good on your lips.

Carl Caylor :

Get it from their place, they'll ship it to you. It's, but talk to your local distributor they could probably having in case amounts instead. So

Unknown Speaker :

yeah, that's, that's good.

Unknown Speaker :

That's good.

Michael Mowbray :

So, um, every week we have a topic sort of, and sometimes we go off topic a lot. But this week, we're talking about how you can improve your customer experience. Because I don't know, to me you guys chime in what do you think? I think customer experiences 80% of it now, or more or more, right? Yep. Anybody want to argue

Unknown Speaker :

with me? Nope. All right.

Michael Mowbray :

Well, that's the podcast for today.

Unknown Speaker :

All right, guys.

Carl Caylor :

Well done strong work, folks.

Dan Frievalt :

What amount of wisdom infinite

Michael Mowbray :

it's all okay. So let's let's define what we're talking about. We're talking about the customer experience. We can get really detailed on that too. But what I'm getting at and I'm sure you guys are thinking the same thing is, it used to be so much more about the imagery and or the price or whatever. What we're saying now is how the customer feels about you throughout the entire experience, how you make them feel, how you make them feel about themselves. Throughout the entire session, sessions, appointments, everything else. That's the most important thing. That's what What's going to allow you to ask for higher prices, it's going to make the clients happier to pay the higher prices. And they're going to be talking about you, they're going to be coming, they're going to become fans. And they're going to become part of what do we call it, your tribe. So you got to have that experience because you could be a fantastic photographer. And if your experience sucks, you're not going to get referrals, you're not going to get repeat business.

Carl Caylor :

Right? And even if it's nice imagery, they're not going to like it.

Dan Frievalt :


Michael Mowbray :

Yeah, exactly. We've seen that. We've seen that.

Dan Frievalt :

Well, and let's touch on that real quick. Because, you know, if you've, how should I say this? If you feel like that is you or you feel like you're not very outgoing or like bubbly or all this stuff, and you feel like you have to do that you don't don't be someone you're not. And especially like, what, what I do and I photograph seniors, like, I am not trying to act their age. There's things I don't know, like, I do. Trying to stay with the trends and things but I'm not saying hey, that's lit and woke in all kinds of things in

Michael Mowbray :

doing the tick tock giddy with a man.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah. That's,

Dan Frievalt :

that's your take? Well, yeah, and you can do tic tac, that's fine too. But I mean, I'm not trying to I can't if well, if you do Tic Tac just be authentic. You know, that's, I guess all I'm saying, but along those lines with tic Tock or Instagram or all that stuff, I hire assistants that are high school age. So they're, they're doing my social media, they if I wanted to do tic tac, they can kind of control that or if I want to someone to do sales for me or book consultations, you know, if I have someone that's more, has a bubbly personality and wants to handle that end of it, that's somewhat something I can hire out and have someone do,

Unknown Speaker :

you know, yeah, I can't I can't do bubbly.

Unknown Speaker :

Does this a bubble I don't think this is bubbly.

Carl Caylor :

Your scotch? I mean, the scotch doesn't even say bubbles. There's no bottles

Unknown Speaker :

in it. No, none. It's just

Dan Frievalt :

just get drunk before your sessions. Is that what you're saying?

Unknown Speaker :

Maybe, maybe, yeah.

Carl Caylor :

So no, but they have to have an adventure. They have to have a good time and laugh and giggle and I mean, the girls guys aren't gonna giggle because it's just not a guy thing. But

Dan Frievalt :

well, it's like anything higher, higher for your, your weaknesses, you know, identify your weaknesses and hire someone who's better at doing that. I keep trying to talk to my wife, Stephanie and I do in the sales for me because I don't enjoy the sales. This is what she does. She's bubbly. She's a great personality. She is much prettier than I am.

Michael Mowbray :

I was thinking if I didn't want to say

Dan Frievalt :

and I say yeah, yeah, when we go to convention, everyone's like, hey, Stephanie. Hey, Stephanie are live. She doesn't? Yeah, if she doesn't come to convention with us, like why did you bring your wife You ain't I don't

Carl Caylor :

he really? He really married up, man. He really married up. Yeah,

Dan Frievalt :

I get that a lot too.

Unknown Speaker :

So 240

Carl Caylor :

Yeah, I could say something about your message from last night, but I think that would get

Unknown Speaker :

I don't know.

Michael Mowbray :

Yeah, I added some gifts to that too. So I think Yeah, I saw that

Carl Caylor :

made it all that much better.

Michael Mowbray :

So So what does the customer experience begin?

Dan Frievalt :

First Contact right first, first contact first

Michael Mowbray :

contact. So whether that's probably website

Unknown Speaker :


Michael Mowbray :

maybe they see a display with their or maybe they see your imagery and somebody's home. I mean, everything. Everything all sums up. I always talked about branding as a strong branding background. So I always thought, every contact with your business and you and everybody associate with your businesses is all part of your brand and either it either enhances your brand or negates your brand. So I lost Carl he just left. But it all begins with the first contact to and what does that contact? Like? What is he on the website? What's the personality that you're putting through on your website? What's the imagery? what's the what's the? Is it consistent? Are you making it easy for people to reach out to you? Is it are you making it easy for them to find you because I see a lot of websites from photographers where I gotta dig and dig and dig to find either a phone number, or God forbid what city they're in, or

Carl Caylor :

stay or stay well, even even on Facebook. I mean, for goodness sake, where you live on Facebook, right? You know, your boat area, because I've seen that so many times. I mean, daily. I am like, I wonder who this person is. I wonder where they're from consciousness. I have no clue I started scrolling down to see if I can find context clues. No idea. And these are photographers. Right now. I'm just I'm excited about their imagery, but I have no idea where they are. Put your information out there, folks.

Michael Mowbray :

And I think some people do it because they're, they're concerned because they're working from home and some privacy there. And I understand maybe you don't want the street address in there, but it gives people some context. So this is how people are going to find you, whether it's your website, or maybe they are finding you through some instagram search or whatever. Give them an idea of you're even in their area.

Dan Frievalt :

You know, I mean, where you live Carla, is there such a thing as the address or is it like a fire no God or just like a little little.on the map I mean by

Michael Mowbray :

well turn by

Dan Frievalt :

by the tree and the rest of the car. I mean,

Carl Caylor :

by the by the rock, you know, the groundwater? No, it's actually it's tough right here because we live in a private road. Well, private gravel drive private You know, it's we're in the woods anyhow. And when we bought the place, the person who we bought it from was going to develop the area. But then he decided that he could make more money if he just sold off lots and didn't actually put in the road for real. Then that was really nice. And then lo and behold, he, he put up a science at Oak Ridge drive. So if you actually Google my address, it says Oak Ridge drive, there is no Oak Ridge drive bridle, it doesn't exist. So we got, I was here for maybe a couple months and I got a phone call from Bernie township and said, Hey, we have a problem with your your address your road. I'm going okay, why are you calling me about this? I said, Well, you can't just name a road, said I didn't name a road. It was named that when I moved here. He said, Well, no one asked us about it. So when Google did their maps, they must have done it just after this. Mental moron whatever that sold us the place that's being technically are correct to me it's just what it was. Anyway we have no correct address here and we have 10 neighbors down our road now so UPS and FedEx comes we get each other's mail or Oh yeah, all the time because and for 800 00 m 95 or n 1400 dash one dash to dentistry, but not everybody uses the dashes and not everything that you order allows a dash and then a number after it so I know what how many times is the same ups driver has to have to come here and then still not realize they've gotten the wrong stuff off.

Michael Mowbray :

I every time I shipped to you my shipping software says this address was like just like oh yeah, it does just send it just send it

Carl Caylor :

Yeah. Which reminds me I still got an order that reflector I was gonna do that yellow day I got I'll do it tonight as soon as you get office. second order that flutter Yeah, yeah, I could have really used it yesterday, dude, a

Unknown Speaker :

little bit of top light

Carl Caylor :

for our adventure we had speaking of adventures and what you do for your guests. I have a family that I photograph for their business and they've been after me for years that try to get a family portrait together. Well, it's just never happened. The wife has been getting over cancer now. They've been busy. The kids are insanely busy with sports and stuff like that. And it just never happened. Well, yesterday. Two days ago, they called me and said, Hey, can we meet tomorrow? For a family portrait? We needed their magazine in law. Yes.

Michael Mowbray :

You said you had an emergency portrait?

Carl Caylor :

Yeah. Well, yeah,

Michael Mowbray :

urgency portrait.

Carl Caylor :

There's this this northern living magazine is doing an article on their family and they need a cover shot. today. Like this morning. So that meant, okay, try to arrange something. So I'm going through all what I would do for a really good image. And mom's like, I don't have time to get clothing. I don't have time for this. And so I said, Well, what is your story about? Okay, so let's start asking the client, let's find out from the guests. How can we help them the most Tell me your story. And the story was that they're their family is all about running the kids everywhere. So they're in hockey and softball and soccer and they ski as a family and they play tennis and they play golf as a family. I mean, they're just constantly busy. And I said, Okay, here's what then let's go ahead and bring all your gear. Let's, let's just if it's gonna be chaos, let's keep the chaos. Bring all the gear we'll go do this. And of course, we had to do it. Our window was from four to five last night. Yeah, that was it. That was the only time we had available actually. Four to 445 because they had to be at another girl's softball practice at five. So, here it is four. It's right. I mean really bright, I could have really used that scrim. But we knocked it off and it's it's a beautiful image for what we had to deal with and tell us their story. It we had fun with it, we kept them excited and said, Hey, you know, the kids were there was so bubbly that they could use their stuff. The girl brought her skateboard, which isn't even something that's an organized sport. Which is great I think I mean the kids don't do that enough in my opinion nowadays. Everything doesn't have to be organized with coaches go play for goodness sake, you know, but they had a blast a company that they got to bring their stuff and and be part of it. So I'll post that image that cover image up on the Facebook site later but it's cool it for four o'clock in the afternoon. Thank God for for the BM 600

Michael Mowbray :

No, yeah, yeah, you need all 600 watts. I've got

Carl Caylor :

to watch seconds, I suppose. And I have to thank my wife for helping hold the thing because we were up on our Ramp of, we were actually on the chairlift. Oh sure they were the chairlift comes off. And to add extra fun and excitement to it, they in the 24 I went up there the day before, just look. So okay, there's a little bit of shade coming in, we can work here. And I can mount that 600 light up on the ladder of the the pole and get up there yesterday at four o'clock. They repainted shut, all the polls are repainted within the last 24 hours. And I mean, there's paint jobs ever. So we're walking around paint traps, and it stunk to high heaven. But we had a good time. You know, we created something that helped was a memorable story. It's definitely memorable experience. Exactly. Well, a real family portrait pretty soon And again, so thank goodness for that. But yeah, I that scrim would have come in really handy for creating a little bit more shade up there. So next time Next time,

Michael Mowbray :

Dan, what kind of tips you have for people to create a better client experience?

Dan Frievalt :

You kind of touched on it, you know, kind of first off like the first contact, you have something new I started this year. Probably the worst time kind of ever started but doing it in person consultations. For people inquiring about senior photos, and I'm going to give a shout out here. Shelley's teasing us she's not on here, but shout out to Jen Lewis. She saw

Unknown Speaker :


Dan Frievalt :

She said I had to do it and alive and I do happen to have it here this poop pillow because when we messaged back and forth, she doesn't like the thumbs up emoji as you guys know. And I would always do to antagonize her, so she changed the icon to this poop emoji. And

Carl Caylor :

actually, I think that wins a bet she has to pay for our meal and she has to eat alligator bites again because they use that live on the air. I agree.

Dan Frievalt :

wager. Oh, okay. Okay. But anyways, I was having I was having a conversation with her on how she has everything on her website, which is kind of bringing it back to what you said, Michael is that's the first contact while giving some information but yet because we're at a certain price point and sort of a certain level of experience and, and pricing, the people that we want to hire us aren't just price shopping. So it's not that we're having them come in and we're doing a full on sales presentation to get them the book. But we want to, you know, sell the experience to them. And that starts with doing a consultation, which I didn't do I would do it for weddings, you know, of course because that's a big day and it's a big investment. Well I stopped doing weddings because I make more in seniors so it's like well shoot, I should be doing this for seniors as well. So So having that conversation with Jen, she goes oh, you finally listened to me after all these years and took some of my advice and I go well, you finally gave me some advice. It was it was worthwhile.

Michael Mowbray :


Dan Frievalt :

So so that poop emoji came out pretty quick after that comment

Michael Mowbray :

below that's pretty much sure I'm comfortable with that analogy. But anyway,

Dan Frievalt :

yeah. So and and it's the worst time with whole COVID thing right? Hey, come on into the studio. Let's do a consultation. But people I give them the option either the zoom or zoom meeting like Michael you just did one and all this this is my setup for my zoom consultations for people watching the video.

Michael Mowbray :

Yes, people listening to this have no idea what's going on. But But yeah, this is this is nice pictures

Carl Caylor :

by Yeah, Michael Yeah, exactly. Pictures.

Dan Frievalt :

Yeah. And you know, so how can we, you know, a lot of times we think, well, we need to do that so many things and improve our photography, which we do. But there's little touch points that you can do that make a big difference as well and use what's unique to you. So for instance, I was listening to a different webinar today. And the woman talking how she didn't have a studio when she felt embarrassed that she didn't have a studio. But what she did is she turned that around. And I did something similar. When I started over in the photography industry, I didn't have a studio, so I'm like, Hey, I'll make it convenient. I'll come do headshots right in right in your office, I'll set up everything. No one has to leave, they can just, you know, it's efficient. They can leave their their cubicle for five minutes, we'll do a head chat, you know. And so, she leveraged that and I went to a dance during the dance photos and that's where my studio is now because of that. So don't look at the negative and say, I can't do this. Look at Okay, how can I spend the negative and To a positive, you know, in person sales you don't I preach this all the time. You don't have a place to do in person sales fine. Do it at their house, you know, you can show their images you can hang, you never get the excuse. I don't have wall space because guess what? I'm gonna bring an easel you could set this right here. So a lot of times, yeah. And a lot of times we get in our own head and we make excuses. And I've done it. In fact, one whole program. That program I did years ago at imaging USA, it was all about like, no excuses, you know, and it was, it was all because I made all these excuses. And then finally my wife said, Stop making some excuses and get some stuff done. I'm like, Hi, right. So I turned all those excuses. I wrote them all down and said, How can I get creative and flip that? And that's what I did. And I still do that to this day. Like, you know, I because I still make excuses. And I'm like, Ah,

Michael Mowbray :

yeah, you've got to turn that frown upside down.

Unknown Speaker :


Carl Caylor :

you have a you have a question, Dan. Actually, Merkel's asking. Do you get any objections from people who don't want to come in for an in person consultation?

Dan Frievalt :

Yeah, good question. So I just started these. And everyone has been cool. And if they don't want to come in, we can do it via zoom. And maybe your question is a little bit more to the fact of, I just don't have time to come in. It's not that they're afraid to come in because of COVID. It's that, you know, they just don't have time. I'm waiting for that to come up. I'm trying to write some sort of script and explain, you know, why it's important. Or I'll be like, you know, it's it's an important time. seniors have, you know, lost a lot with prom and different events, and we want to make sure that they don't miss out on that. So I want you to make the the investment and make sure you understand what's involved with that investment. And if so,

Michael Mowbray :

goes better, the session always goes better. Oh,

Dan Frievalt :

yeah, that's another thing. And maybe that hasn't come up as a problem yet, because I already kind of start to tell them why it's important. So they can't give me an excuse. I think that's key too, because it's like, hey, this, I know they missed out a lot. This is important. This is you know, another chance to meet, I only forgot 40 seniors a year. So I have the time to spend with you. Even in this consultation, the more times I can meet your son or daughter, you know, and I already know if it's a son or daughter. So this just happened. A senior mom was calling about a boy. So I'm like, you know, boys are a little tense, their senior pictures aren't their thing. So the more I can meet and get to know them and get to know their, their sports and their hobbies, and we talk about those things, the more they're going to feel comfortable. The quicker we're going to get to expressions, the more they're going to walk away going, you know what, I'm excited for my session, and that wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. And then so when they come in for that session, man, it's just going to infinity It's like, Oh my god, I convinced them right there. why it's important to come in, you know? And if they go, Well, I'm just busy. Can you send me the pricing? Yeah, I'll send them because you know what? They're just price shopping. And I don't, you know, I could spend an hour with them and I don't want to talk them into it anyway. So maybe that helps. prequalify

Carl Caylor :

your I noticed when you're doing your consultations, though, aren't you also like, selling more of your your photographic services, more of a session like adding to your session? possibilities? I mean, add ons for your session?

Dan Frievalt :

Yes. And it used to be I would do a clothing consultation to get that first meeting. But they already booked me. So then I'm doing a clothing consultation was was where I could show them. They could start to see the products. We could talk about outfits, we can plan their session, and then maybe they would upgrade their session as well. So basically doing that I basically was doing that, but the people who already booked so it's better than I'm doing it now. And yeah, like, the only problem as you guys know, I said the other day, I'm like, Oh, I got a little long winded is like, two hours and chit chatted, you know, but they, they, they upgraded a session the senior was in I mean, they paid over $550 just for the session, we went through all the pricing. They're pre qualified, they're, they're already excited to get the all inclusive, which is a 20 $700 package. So, you know, it's like, that's kind of you go into a session feeling pretty confident that, you know, it's gonna be a good sale or, regardless, they're good that we're on the same page. There's not going to be like, after you you meet with them, and you do a coding consultation and do a session then they come in in person sales and be like, Oh, this is more expensive than I thought even though I gave them all that information over and over again. They didn't take the time to look at it or understand it. I'm excited. Planning all that and also explaining the importance of coming back. And me sitting down and helping them decide what portraits are going to be good for them.

Carl Caylor :

You know, why is that important?

Dan Frievalt :

I don't know, because it pays the bills for me.

Carl Caylor :

That's part of the adventure, you know, be finishing up the professional job, you know, telling them what you think. And this is the, the artist choice, and this is why because otherwise, I tell them just hanging, I tell them.

Dan Frievalt :

The good news is you're stuck with me. I'm the only one here I get you. You get me from A to Z. The bad news is you're stuck with me.

Michael Mowbray :

Well, Carl, Carl hit a good point here too. And I call this continuing the experience. If you do all the other stuff and do extremely well. And then here are all your digital files. And then the mom never makes any prints. They lose them. In their desktop or whatever, you know, that kind of thing, how do they feel about the overall experience versus they invest in some wall art or a really nice album or book, and they see it every day or every other day or whatever, that enhances and reinforces the experience and continues that whole brand experience with you. They're engaging with your brand, every day, or every time they look at that wall portrait. How powerful is that? Pretty powerful.

Carl Caylor :

Yeah, absolutely. Dan, you have another question. I see that Chris. Yes. Tina, you want to read that one?

Dan Frievalt :

Go for it. No, you can. You're better.

Carl Caylor :

So Christina is asking how would you I don't know my glasses on even But well, you share with share what is included in your packages, especially at 20 $700 inclusive thing you talked about?

Dan Frievalt :

Yeah, and this could be you know, obviously, as you guys know, a huge other program program so I'll answer it real quickly. Because I don't have packages I have the creative collection system which They could pick one item from four different sections which is the sections are album wall portrait gift prints and this year I included wallets slash digital files as an option. But free so that's kind of new but in in the years past but I do have the creative collection and an all inclusive and the all inclusive was it's 20 $700 includes 40 images and an eight by eight album and then any portraits or anything they order would be 30% off. And so the digital files they can print from up to eight by 10. So what happened is that really boosted my average is to over $4,000 by adding that all inclusive and because people get that plus they add on an add on. And what's also kind of cool about it which I kind of a side effect of it, which I didn't really realize until after I just threw it out there like I'm willing to take chances and experiment so I didn't have it on my price list but I just started offering it a couple years ago and be like, people would look at all the images and say I love them all, how can how can I get them all and be like, ah, I looked at it as like a wedding again, it's like we used to do weddings starting at like, you know, three grand and up, and it included the digital files. And a lot of people were around the country we're saying, oh, people are always asking for digital file. So I knew it was coming. Things take a little bit longer to get here. So I wanted to prepare myself a little bit longer here dude. Here in the Midwest, so I just started throwing it out there and I said, You know what? For 2700 bucks I'll give you an album because I want you to have something printed a legacy item. I feel printing is important. But if you want the digital files you want to print something for grandma and grandpa 2700 bucks you get a whole group you're not buying one off files because I don't make money that way. I mean, and sometimes I tell them that way. I'm I have to afford this studio and stuff. So just selling you a file. I don't make money. I don't say that all the time, but it Every once in a while, I would say that but the main point is, I throw out that large number and all they can say is yes or no. A lot of people said yes, boom, I was done with my order session like Friday, half hour, 45 minutes. They said to pick their images is less decisions, boom, they're done. And then if people said no, it's like, that's fine. They start building their collection and keeps in the back of their head. They're thinking, oh, maybe I should just do that. I'm already up to $2,000 Okay, I'm just gonna do the all inclusive bonus. Well, no, yeah, at that point I am I might as well at that point. So you know, I I sell the pricing for profit that has all of this in there in in the pricing templates and everything too. So if you want to check that out, if you have questions, let me know. Where can people find that too? Oh, yes. So you can find that at store dot seniors unlocked that calm, alright, or seniors unlocked calm and then you can just click on store. Depends how many times you want to click.

Michael Mowbray :

I'm trying to monitor some of our Facebook feeds here. Cuz we don't automatically get the questions here because we're in zoom. But Louise had asked during a zoom consult, how do you showcase your samples that get them to think they want to end up with things as gorgeous as your samples since they cannot touch and feel them? I was just answering this question the other day in a different webinar I was doing. And there's a, there's multiple ways one, I'm doing a video of all my products. I'm working on that this coming week. So I'm going to have in depth videos and all my key products. I'm going to have those on the website with close ups and nice pans and zooms, and you know, all that. Well, Ken Burns effects kind of stuff. So I'm going to have that already. And then when I do zoom consultations, I can feed into that I can I can share that screen and show people that way. I can hold them up. As a matter of fact, oh look. I've got one right here. This is my top selling product. So I can hold that. I did a zoom consultation the other day and page through it and showed how thick the pages were you So that's another way. But yeah, you can't you can't be actually handling the album's. So when I'm doing the session if they're doing the studio part of the session, I have these next to where mom says so Mom always picks the books up and handles them and looks through them. Now this year, we're going to disinfect them after every session, but no big deal. And then the other thing I'm going to do, because I do have an outdoor only option this year, again, because of COVID because some people just might not be comfortable. We'll just do it all outdoor. I'm taking some in my truck. So when we wrap the sessions like Well, remember when we did our consultation, we talked about the books I showed some of those, if you want to see what they look like here are some and they can handle them at that point. Because I'm going to be doing zoom IPS and not make people come into this into the studio because I'm running into some resistance on that anyway.

Carl Caylor :

You know, you just don't want to shower

Michael Mowbray :

Yeah. I just don't want to this. This part looks good. You

Dan Frievalt :

don't want to clean the studio

Michael Mowbray :

part over here. No.

Dan Frievalt :

Yeah, it's genius. Really?

Michael Mowbray :

I literally I have a stack of empty cardboard boxes over here. Six feet high. Six feet. Yeah. So

Carl Caylor :

So what do you guys do? What do you have available for your your guests during this session? I mean, we talked about us in our interactions and working, but what do you have for them like goodie wise? I mean, do they have water or soda or snacks or what do you guys got going on?

Unknown Speaker :

Yes, whiskey, liquor, jerky, liquor.

Dan Frievalt :

Get them getting drunk before they order a session

Michael Mowbray :

like all the stores in Cozumel you know if you ever been to Cozumel and you go into any of the clothing stores or jewelry stores, there's always a bottle of tequila there. I've been thinking about doing that right up front.

Carl Caylor :

Once I braids for your daughter's hair.

Michael Mowbray :

Yeah, no, I I have a questionnaire that I set. To the mom or send directly to the senior if I've got the seniors email address in there, I asked questions like, what's your favorite music? Or your favorite bands or your favorite spot, Spotify playlist, whatever stuff like that. Your favorite snack, your favorite soda or drink. And then when they come in, I want to engage all five senses. Five, right? I think there's five. So they walk in, I want to look

Carl Caylor :

good. doing math. Wait, yeah,

Dan Frievalt :

doing all that and say I miss that.

Michael Mowbray :

We have to drink. So I want to look good. So engage the visual. I want to sound good. Yeah, that's the smell part.

Unknown Speaker :

I'm good.

Michael Mowbray :

I'm playing their music that they like, I want to smell good. So I have some of those plugins sent thingies. usually make it smell like cookies in here. Which sucks for me because then I want cookies. What else There's sight. There's taste. Snack seal. Yeah, I have snacks. I have the books there. So they said

Dan Frievalt :

you still. So this is a question because yeah, I do the same but with COVID. Right? are we are we handing out bottles of water and snacks and things like that?

Carl Caylor :

Yeah, I got a question. I have I have a actual water machine here. But because of COVID I'm going to bottle water. So even average,

Dan Frievalt :

well, that's what I have. But Is that weird?

Carl Caylor :

I don't think so. She was individual bottles, and I mean, I don't know what else you're gonna show me fine, right? Yeah, yeah. And also, that's what I also have. I also have a Keurig machine for the moms. About half our seniors use it too. But then they're reuse or the cops like just at the like at the gas station or the coffee shop. Whatever. So they're, you know, just throw away cops, but they can grab them off or the plastic sleeve itself and, and do their own thing with the Keurig. And then I also I in my studio, my gallery you guys been there? You said that my popcorn machine was doing it that this year because,

Michael Mowbray :

yeah, basic ligand on there,

Carl Caylor :

but I'll tell you as far as the smell it smells dog.

Unknown Speaker :


Dan Frievalt :

All right. Well, that but the funny thing with all my, a lot of my locations, my Urban locations are right around restaurants and stuff. And of course, I'm shooting late in the day. So everyone's kind of kind of around dinnertime and they're, they're hungry. Well, I mean, dinnertime, for me. It's nine o'clock at night. But for most people, it's four or five o'clock. I think. So yeah, it's that's the the sense of smell that I interject. It's like, Hey, we're gonna eat this, this this alley and this happens to be by pizza place and it's like Garlic smell come out like, Oh, that sounds good.

Michael Mowbray :

I thought your solution for snacks was going to be Oh, you're hungry. Well, you just open up the dumpster. I'm sure there's something in there, isn't it? Yeah. Well,

Dan Frievalt :

funny story because one of the places that we do that is by a pizza place, but it's also attached to it as like a butcher shop. And that dumpster huh? So you get at 1.0 It smells like good pizza. And then the wind switched a little bit different. It's like, Oh, what is that smell? It's like, yeah, yeah, it's not it's not good. I think,

Carl Caylor :

Louis I think Jen lewis is actually on right now because she made a comment.

Dan Frievalt :

She is that's why I brought the

Carl Caylor :

beat intelligent or something there Dan.

Dan Frievalt :

I thought that was her I. Yeah, of course, of course.

Carl Caylor :

So how about I saw those guests that are really good guests, and they are have really good orders and everything. Do you guys have gifts and stuff like that for them?

Unknown Speaker :


Michael Mowbray :

I actually got away from this for a couple years, but I used to do $5 gift cards to coilovers. And for people in other parts of the country cold versus like, really high end, custard ice cream kind of stuff. Well, there's one like a mile from me and I got this idea. Because after we get done with the session, the seniors are always say, I'm starved. Let's go to coilovers. So I was like, What the heck first five bucks is on me. So I got a bunch of gift cards, and I just would hand them to them on the way out and just say, you know, hey, first five bucks is on me because they're going there anyway. They're like, Oh, yeah, this is awesome.

Carl Caylor :

That's awesome. Plus, I think my buddy Bruce owns that store. So Oh, yeah. So that'll help him out too. So keep doing that man.

Michael Mowbray :

Sure. They're busy.

Dan Frievalt :

Well, yeah, you know, you make a good point too with that, Michael, because I think a lot of people give gifts which are poor. Trick guests which can be good I've done that but I usually mix it in with like a Starbucks gift card or something that's non portrait related because I feel like it just means a little bit more it's not like hey, here's more products from me you know, so

Carl Caylor :

I went with the Yeti stuff well but

Michael Mowbray :

oh boy wow wow wow it's like invisible

Unknown Speaker :

wait whoa magic Yeti

Carl Caylor :


Michael Mowbray :

that's why that's why you've nobody's ever really seen the Yeti

Unknown Speaker :


Carl Caylor :

my mind is good I

Dan Frievalt :

was gonna say do you use that when you're drinking and driving like oh I got that but no I think you drink and drive or do we not think you drink or drive or do we endorse drinking and driving

Unknown Speaker :

on the show or photograph out in our tracks? yeah all right

Unknown Speaker :

yeah, I'm

Carl Caylor :

different thing but but I think Around here they've been, there's been a big push this is year two, just in fact, it's just, I think the anniversaries this next week, but for loyal to local, they started it's trying to keep everything helping your local businesses and especially now with this whole COVID thing and all our small business has been shut down by the powers of being Michigan I think it is a good idea to do not only do some things like this and more fiscal but a gift card for a couple of the coffee shops in the area or the covers or store behind stuff like that, that I think that's a great ice cream shop, the ice cream shop would be a great way to do

Michael Mowbray :

it doesn't have to be, you know, five bucks is fine. You know, that's plenty.

Carl Caylor :

Yeah, exactly right. Say less than what these things cause But yeah,

Michael Mowbray :

I was looking at those. Yeah,

Dan Frievalt :

yeah. Or maybe collaborate with another business where you guys can each, you know, benefit a little Little bit, you know, a boutique or clothing store or something where you're, you know, helping each business out or I like to give business back to people who give business to me. So, you know, I deal I work with a lot of business owners. So it's like if you know if I'm going to purchase something I try and give them business back, you know, the travel agent again, we used her I photographed her, her daughter and actually photographed her daughter in Italy as well. So of course, to her Yeah, that was that was that was that was very tough. And yeah, and I have another one coming up. apparently she's a few years down down the road, but I had Dibs. Dibs. All right, hold on. Hold the light. Yes. I

Carl Caylor :

think it's hard to travel with the light stand, you know, so I'll just hold the light. Yeah.

Dan Frievalt :

So So yeah, I had a girl come in this fall, winter right before spring and she bought one of my I painted painted products. So she's like, I can't wait till my daughter is old enough for senior pictures so we can go to Paris. She wants to go to Paris. Have you do her senior pictures? I'm like, I've been to Italy. She goes, exactly. That's why I got that's where I got the idea from. I'm like, Oh,

Michael Mowbray :

okay. Yeah. See down by me I guess seniors who want to go to to Ryo which is spelt like Rio, but it's really Ryo. It's a town of 200 people about 20 minutes from me. Hey, can I get my photos in real? No, it's Ryan.

Dan Frievalt :

Ryan. I can't go to Luxembourg. Yeah, Norway.

Carl Caylor :

Lexan. Oh, yeah, cuz it's only 20 minutes away. It's Yeah, that to Norway, you know?

Michael Mowbray :

So, so one, one way that's near and dear to my heart for improving the client experience is Guess what? Having remote control of your flashes When you're doing off camera flash, yeah, in the studio, whether you're in the studio or on location, because I came from having to run over to every flash and adjust it and turn it up and down. People don't have the attention span anymore, especially seniors, man, if you disengage from being in front of them, and you're going over and fussing with your equipment, you have lost that kid. Yeah. And you got to reconnect with them and get them reengaged. So every time you disengage, you lose that senior.

Dan Frievalt :

And you don't run very fast. So I assume it was quite a long process. Guys, I really

Michael Mowbray :

I guarantee you, I guarantee you back in the day, I was faster than either one of you guys.

Carl Caylor :

I remember a fun run at one of the Wisconsin conventions. I guess it has quite a while ago, but yeah, I did see like, in fact, you're in charge of it.

Michael Mowbray :

I was in charge of it. That's why I didn't have to run So, being able to you know, with today's technology, go docs, I'm able to sit there at my camera and being able to you know, adjust the kickers adjust the light adjust the key light to get exactly what I want without having to run over and mess with lights keeps everything flowing more smoothly and more quickly. And and all that kind of stuff, you know, and then you're not disengaging from your client. It seems like for them everything goes by more quickly. So

Carl Caylor :

I don't think we lost some of your mic a little bit Michael. Oh, you did? You went really quiet. Did it down

Dan Frievalt :

for you or no? Yeah, yeah, I thought my headphones went but I don't mean

Carl Caylor :

really soft really quiet.

Dan Frievalt :

Michael has never quiet generally.

Michael Mowbray :

It's gotta be zoomed in because

Dan Frievalt :

there There we go.

Michael Mowbray :

Back. Yes, zoom was cutting zoom was wrong. cutting me back. So anyway, what I was saying, we put the governor I knew what was I saying? Oh yeah, so I felt like I got excited

Carl Caylor :

about that about you know that being able to change the lights from from your right from the camera.

Michael Mowbray :

Yeah and being able to you know, just press okay, I've got my key light on Green Bay, I can say, okay, make that brighter. So lights on groovy, I can make that darker. I can bring up my kickers if I want something really, really cool and different. And I don't have to run over and touch the light.

Carl Caylor :

Well, on that same line even. Okay, I know all three of us know you are with Sony. And I've always been able to not even have that button press continuously and be able to talk to your senior without looking through the camera and waiting for the expression and knowing that it's always in focus, no matter where they go. If they were, you're walking back and forth. I'm just like talking to him. Click Click, click click. It helps so much engage. I mean people have been Oh, you can't focus anymore. It's not Just about the ease of focus, it's that we can interact more we can engage more with them it's it's a great piece of equipment now to be able to play a little bit better. So

Michael Mowbray :

I was halfway through the knock the rust off the camera shoot on Monday I did because it was reopened. And I was halfway through it and I'm like, No, and I kept looking at the back of the LCD at least I wasn't looking through the viewfinder. I was like, in the back of the LCD and like halfway through I'm like, Oh, yeah, I don't need to do that. I could talk to the person I was photographing,

Carl Caylor :

you know, I want you know, those those virtual glasses, you know, the earliest virtual games and stuff. Yeah, I want one of those glasses that like Bluetooth and see my images and my camera. So when I'm out on bright days like that, we're not having to look through cuz he's hard to see that the back of screen. Just be able to watch through there. I think what that'd be great for your camera or anywhere you want. It'd be like virtual viewfinder,

Michael Mowbray :

just a Dan's Home Depot hoodman Yeah, yeah,

Carl Caylor :

well yeah, I actually haven't plugged in because well,

Michael Mowbray :

yeah, cuz here's your fancy like that fancy.

Dan Frievalt :

I mean, Carl, I want up you. I just want a camera camera to be mounted to a robot. I'm just gonna sit in the studio and take pictures and let that be out in the cold and the hot and the mosquitoes like, move a little over here. Does the virtual photo shoot that

Michael Mowbray :

drone? That's the next drone?

Carl Caylor :

Yeah, yeah. And it. Joanie, I talked to my kid engineer this.

Unknown Speaker :


Carl Caylor :

And pay for my retirement kid.

Dan Frievalt :

To do the same thing. Yeah. Well, no, I mean, Michael, you bring up a good point that I didn't really, you know, think about but, you know, I just got the 400 and I was talking about it the other day in the Facebook live, how just to recycle time. And you know, I was just like, click move here, click click, click like, I was just shooting like I was a natural light shooter again. And it seems like weird to say that because like the 360 and the 200 has a faster cycle time. But the four hundreds In his instant, you know, and so it's, I preached that too. It's like, we get I get the senior in the position, we get the light setup. I'm talking to him the whole time. I take a test shot. Yep, that looks good. And I even let them know I'm taking a test shot from that point on. I'm not even looking at the back of the camera. I'm communicating. I'm clicking movie or attorney or that because I know everything is locked in. And anything that happens, that is spot spontaneous. spontaneity. Yeah, we

Carl Caylor :

gotta drink again. Yeah, that's where you can see it better on taneous is that what we're

Dan Frievalt :

working for a spontaneous reaction?

Unknown Speaker :

I got it.

Carl Caylor :

It's China now. Okay, you took a drink now try it. No, I

Michael Mowbray :

this is this has got a nice burn on it today, by the way. Oh, good, huh.

Carl Caylor :

Michael's getting happier and getting shit faced. All right.

Michael Mowbray :

haven't quite haven't quite gotten there yet, but

Carl Caylor :

he literally had the pillow up in front of his face. Oh no, I saw that.

Michael Mowbray :

I'm, I'm still working on happy. Okay. I got Grumpy Cat going on here.

Dan Frievalt :

There you go. All I can think of is our friend, our good photographer friend from Wisconsin. Can you guess who I'm gonna mention? So many? Oh, Tad Madoff where he's always Oh, yeah, why don't people always think I'm angry? Because you look like a psycho killer. That's

Michael Mowbray :


Unknown Speaker :

miling Yeah.

Dan Frievalt :

He's one of the nicest guys I know. But if you're just walking down the street, you're like, Oh, yeah. These mean

Michael Mowbray :

somebody posted the other day on a scale of one to 10 how it intimidating Do you think you'd look? Oh, I think was Yeah, call Nicole Coyle. Yeah. Yeah. And I'm like, I've never thought I look intimidating as I was talking to my wife about that. She's like, She's like, Oh, yeah, you're really intimidating, intimidating. It's like, the only time I ever heard that was from my students back when I taught at Madison College. And I'm like, they would tell me I'm intimidating. Of course. I hated all them with a fires fiery passion of hell, but maybe that's

Unknown Speaker :

I think a general

Unknown Speaker :

I'm pretty happy.

Dan Frievalt :

I could see being a little intimidating. Yeah,

Michael Mowbray :

I don't try to beat

Dan Frievalt :

them properly. The whole the whole mass thing now is I'm I'm still smiling at everyone like, like, Oh, they can see me smiling. So yeah, there's that. But I do have to say like when I wear a hat and a mask, it's like, you know, I'm covering up a lot of ugliness. So I'm like, dang, I look I look pretty good with with this. This combo here. Yeah Is this this can hang out so you can still kind of tell me which I did trim by the way I did. Oh yeah, we opened back up so I tried. Yeah it was yeah I should have measured it before trimming because we're gonna have a contest

Unknown Speaker :

like we were gonna have a contest

Dan Frievalt :

yes but I I didn't plus a plus I just needed to look a little bit more presentable so and especially when I got my haircut it's funny because now my my hair was like short and this was like really long it's like out of balance. For more for more grooming techniques, follow my

Michael Mowbray :

Instagram account. Your facial Fung sway was off.

Unknown Speaker :


Carl Caylor :

So So what else can we have? party or parties? Yeah,

Michael Mowbray :

I had a bunch of notes here. Cuz actually when after I realized I started to jot some notes for today, I'm like, Oh my god, I did this as a program a couple years ago called thunderstruck. So, let me see if there's anything else in here. Yeah, screwed. I can't read right now.

Carl Caylor :

But you know, here's one for ya. I like getting the guests, friends or parents involved. I'll have them hold things. I'll even have them take pictures once in a while and with my camera. I get it all set up. Hey, come here. Look at this. Oh, that's awesome. Look at their little cuz she looks like to the camera. Just press the button. Go ahead. You can just take it really? Yeah, take it and they're like, oh, man, I even got a few dollars.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, exactly.

Carl Caylor :

It's just like the movies. You know, we don't want to charge them to come in. We just charge them to get out.

Dan Frievalt :

make money off of the concessions. Yeah,

Carl Caylor :

exactly. It's like a time merchandising. It's where the real money is made, you know, timeshare portraits. I'm sure sessions Yeah, Dells appeared. He's like a Yeti. Look at he's gone.

Unknown Speaker :

there Yeah. Now you see me.

Carl Caylor :

I don't I love this stuff. Real quick my

Michael Mowbray :

break from anchorman we were the green pants.

Dan Frievalt :

Oh yeah, no legs. I don't know what to do with my hands.

Carl Caylor :

That's why you have pockets.

Michael Mowbray :

But we got a drink again. There's a lot of pop culture reference.

Carl Caylor :

Oh, come on. I had a plug in. For more info on battery power. Oh,

Unknown Speaker :

any more whiskey.

Michael Mowbray :

So we got any other customer experience up. Anybody got any questions? Otherwise we can wrap this puppy up?

Liam :

All right. who you are. I don't know what you want. If you want me to pay you to subscribe, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you subscribe now, that will be the end of it. I will not look for you. I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you. I will find you and I will annoy you

Carl Caylor :

I can't wrap. We can stop but I certainly can't wrap.

Michael Mowbray :

I'm just checking the Facebook group and see if we have anything. Somebody spelled spontaneous for us.

Dan Frievalt :

Yes, Jeremy. Thanks. Yeah. Thank you. tedious tedious. Did you hear that slur ugly? is spontaneous.

Michael Mowbray :

You know what I didn't get today? I didn't get a sponsor for today.

Carl Caylor :

Oh my gosh huh. Let's make the Yeti or sponsor for what we put our drinks in.

Michael Mowbray :

Yeah, I didn't I got so busy I never found an actual liquor to sponsors this week. Dad goodness, there's always

Dan Frievalt :

jack this episode sponsored by the poop emoji

Unknown Speaker :

pillow. poop emoji pillow when you get shit faced sleep on the poop emoji pillow.

Carl Caylor :

Well, there you go.

Unknown Speaker :

Have it. There we go. Now we got the ending. All right.

Dan Frievalt :

You guys got parting shots. You did it. I did think of something but then I got sidetracked with the poop emoji. So

Michael Mowbray :

only a parting shot and the one thing we didn't talk about make it easy for people to book you online. Every single one of my seniors sessions and headshot sessions are booked online. So I use acuity scheduler, and I've got it all set up there. They can go in and ties into my schedule. They can see when I've got openings for that particular kind of session and they can book and most importantly, what pay pay online. I got money in my pocket, and I've got it on my schedule. And then when they come in, all I have to do is photograph them. I don't have to do that awkward. Can you pay me now and they'll be like, Oh, we forgot our checkbook. No, get the money ahead of time, but also make it easy for them to book and of course, you know, answer your phone. If people want to book that way or they're going to text you they're going to email you I hate texts, but you know what? It's part of part of the business now. Make it easy for people to reach out and give you money. I finally caved this year and Switch to the texting. And I have to say, I actually am enjoying it. And I even installed Well, it's all comes pre installed on a Mac, I chat, but I usually had it turned off because messages are popping up and everything. But what I love about that, or I should say what I hated about texting is having some sort of script and trying to do a message again, I'm, I'm already bad with grammar and spelling, and I'm trying to do this get back to someone with my thumbs doesn't work for me. So the AI chat.

Dan Frievalt :

Jen Lewis, yeah. agrees. So with the eye chat, it's a it's a desktop, it's on the Mac, and I can just type things or I can have scripts and stuff where it's like, Hey, I'm interested in you know, send me your pricing. Well, here's, you know, let's do a consultation, blah, blah, blah. You know, I could copy and paste it and throw it in there and I can get back to people really quick. type in a message to them instead of China. Do it via my thumbs. So Also, and that's part of my parting shot. And I'm saying this for everyone and also for myself is get back to people at a timely manner. I am not always the best at it. And I had something I know I need to improve. But I, you know, as soon as you get back to people, the better the odds are, they're gonna book with you, if you you know, let a couple of days go by they're like, was this guy even interested? Is that person even interested in you know, they're gonna move on to someone else. So it's a little you know, a lot of people like, Oh, I don't have bookings and this and that, it's like, well, make sure you follow up.

Carl Caylor :

For that reason. I got a new phone because this phone can have two chips in it. And which means I can have my personal line and I switched my business line over to this phone as well. So it's always with me so that because I mean how many times are you at the studio and you try calling Back here is somebody but they're gone. You leave a message, but it's just not the same. And you get off and running somewhere like maybe I should have called them or you get busy tied up and like you said, then all of a sudden, it's two or three days later, and you missed your opportunity, you missed your chance.

Michael Mowbray :

When they're reaching out, they're interested. And they might be interested in somebody else later on. You don't so you got to strike while the iron is hot. So that's it. That's all we got for this week. Thanks, guys for tuning in to this very special episode of the photo happy hour podcast. Sometimes. When we did this, I was thinking like it's a very special episode of blossom. No,

Carl Caylor :

no, no,

Unknown Speaker :

no, no. Cheers to you, everybody.

Unknown Speaker :

share yours.

Unknown Speaker :

Last call.

Michael Mowbray :

You've been listening to the photo happy hour podcast. Be sure to hit that subscribe button to not miss a single action packed episode and join our photo happy hour Facebook group where we'll post links to the stuff we all talk about. You can find my MoLight gear online@www.go mo lytx. com. That's geo mo

Unknown Speaker :

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Michael Mowbray :

you can find the Facebook page under MoLight store and I also run the Godox flash health group on Facebook. You can find Dan SR unlocked website at www dot seniors that's seniors with an S at the end and the Facebook group under seniors unlocked and you can find Carl's coaching photo coach calm cc photo till next time cheers to you.