Photo Happy Hour
A fun and engaging chat about anything and everything you need to know to be a professional photographer. Loose, casual, and light-hearted, your hosts, master photographers Carl Caylor, Dan Frievalt, and Michael Mowbray, tip back their favorite drinks and provide a ton of insight on how to run a successful photography business. Helpful, sometimes intelligent, and always entertaining.
Podcasting since 2020 • 88 episodes
Photo Happy Hour
Latest Episodes
A chat with Tim Kasberger from Color Inc.
We had a chance to sit down and chat with Tim Kasberger, founder of Color Inc., a professional photo lab in Grandville, Michigan. It was great to meet Tim and discuss what is going on in the photography industry!You can learn more about ...
Season 6
Episode 90

Festivus '24: The annual airing of grievances
"I got a lot of problems with you people! And now you're gonna hear about it!"Welcome to our annual Festivus episode! In the time-honored tradition of Festivus, we air some of our grievances about the industry from this past ye...
Season 5
Episode 89

It's been awhile since we talked about good old lighting. So hear you go...a lively discussion about something near and dear to our hearts: lighting. Photo Happy Hour is brought to you by MoLight,
Season 5
Episode 88