Photo Happy Hour

Copyright -- What you need to know

Michael Mowbray, Carl Caylor, Dan Frievalt Season 2 Episode 42

As often as photographers complain about copyright, we also find that many photographers do not really understand how copyright works. In this episode we lay down some very useful knowledge about copyright*, the CASE Act, and more. As Michael says, "Y'all need to learn this because it's going to save your butt and maybe make you money."

If you are a PPA member you can download their complete copyright kit here:

Be sure to subscribe by clicking the subscribe button below. And check out our video podcast on YouTube at:

Thank you to our podcast sponsor: Red Curl Creative. Save $97 on Kimberley's website copy course, Write Better Words, using code HAPPYHOUR.

Pick up an official Photo Happy Hour t-shirt!

Cocktail of the Week: Mad Hawaiian

•9 oz. Tequila
•1 gallon(s) Hawaiian Fruit Punch
•2 bottle(s) Mad Dog 20/20

Put some ice into a large punch bowl. Pour in Tequila and the Mad Dog 20-20. Briskly pour the gallon of Hawaiian Punch into the bowl so it mixes well. Add pineapple rings to garnish and serve over ice. Then ponder the poor decisions you have made in life. Cheers!

*Disclaimer: We are not lawyers and have never played one on TV. Our advice is not considered legal counsel and should not be used as a flotation device.

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